Friday Fun: Premier Protein {giveaway}

I was recently sent a package of Premier Protein bars and shakes and well they’re pretty good! They pass the taste test and they have no high fructose corn syrup.  I am not huge on getting my protein from animal meat, but I am also not huge on anything that is fake. These shakes are low in sugar and don’t have too many added ingredients (but there are some) .

Their shakes contains 30 grams of high quality protein, 1 gram of sugar, and is just 160 calories. Plus each shake is nutrient rich with 8 Essential Amino Acids, 24 Vitamins & Minerals and is an excellent source of Calcium.

They are available in Chocolate Peanut Butter, Double Chocolate Crunch, and Yogurt Peanut Butter Crunch.  The Chocolate Peanut butter was my favorite. I loved putting them in my Shakeology to boost up the protein a bit! They made my shakes a lot creamer Smile 

There bars were great pre and post fuel! I am not a huge protein bar lover, but for a protein bar they weren’t so bad. I honestly would rather get my protein and fuel from whole foods, but when you are in a hurry and need a quick pick me up this is a great bar. I will be stashing these in my purse!


You can purchase their products online and in stores at Costco and Sam’s Club!


5 NHS Readers will Win this Premier Protein Prize pack!

  • 6 Premier Protein bars: 2 bars in each flavor (Chocolate Peanut Butter, Double Chocolate Crunch and Yogurt Peanut Butter Crunch)
  • 4 Premier Protein shakes: 2 shakes in each flavor (chocolate and vanilla)

To Enter:

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How do you stay fueled throughout the day?

Got a creative protein shake recipe?  Share it below!

Extra Entires:

1.  Follow Premier Protein on Twitter

2.   Give Premiere Protein a Like on Facebook

3.  Like NHerShoes on Facebook

*This contest ends at 11:59pm PST on September 7, 2012

*Must be 18 years old to enter and win and live in the U.S.

Disclosure:  This is a sponsored giveaway, but all my thoughts and opinions are my own.


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