So far we have made it through 56 days of the Real Food Challenge and it has started to become a part of our regular lifestyle. Our mindsets have changed and so have a lot our habits. Hitting up the market for organic deals and making sure to buy free range and grass fed isn’t CHEAP!! Planning has been key and a lot of determination! We are still going to keep it up…is there anyone out there still with us??


We are in our last phase of the 14 week kettle bell challenge! Can you believe it? I have cut back to two days of week, because it was just too much trying to go to kettle bells and then teach a kickboxing class right after. I do feel stronger every time I go and I think it really is working my whole core. I just need to finish this last phase strong!


Well it’s not going as well as I had hoped, because of some random incidences. But I am pressing on and getting back at it. I am getting right back up and on track!!! It’s all about never giving up, giving it my best possible. I will get up at 5am tomorrow, I will, I will!

Tonight I have Hot Yoga and I know my body can’t wait!!

Stay tuned for some fun posts this week..

The 411 on Cycling, Summer Pasta Recipes, Sexy AB Video, and Spring into Summer Challenge.


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