{Five Minute Friday} Hold

If you are wondering what this whole 5 minute Friday thing is all about, check it out here.

The word for this week is HOLD.

When I think of the world hold, the first thing I think of is how I DSC05127_edited-1hold on to my life. I think that is something I try and do way to often. I went through a season, where it was so easy to let go of all my plans for the future and just trust God with whatever he had in store for us. But now days, I find myself holding on to these dreams that are clearly my dreams and I am not even sure why I even want them in the first place. I need to let go.

One things I can let go of is my schedule. I used to hold on tightly  to my schedule, these days the goal is to thrive and enjoy each moment of whatever the day has in store for us. Whether I get to cleaning the toilet bowls or blogging or not. I am not afraid of having a long list of to-do’s as long  as I have that list. Maybe one day, I will let go of that to-do list, but it was keeps my sanity!

Holding on to things can also be a great thing, but for me in this season of my life…than anything I need to let GO and walk in God’s freedom!




2 responses to “{Five Minute Friday} Hold”

  1. The new blog looks fabulous! I love this idea. I don’t know that I could ever let go of my to do list, but I sure do try!

  2. Love the new blog look and I also love your Friday posts and choosing a word/theme to write about! Can’t wait to see the big changes coming 🙂 Have a beautiful weekend! xoxo, ganeeban