Well I didn’t “really†race, but I did run 14 miles (7 of them were in there). I thought it would be fun to use this post to talk about how I prepare, and get through my long runs! I have done my best to take pics to show you a great RUN report.
FUELING the night before:
I know I have said this before, but I think Pizza(without the cheese) is one of the best pre-race dinner. It’s so well balanced proteins, carbs and fats, (well if you make yourself). I was on a mission to make the healthiest pizza ever!
I topped a ready multi grain crust from Costco, with: marinara sauce,spiniach,roma tomatoes,mushrooms,extra firm tofu,roasted bell peppers,red onion, and goat cheese. WOW the flavor combination was explosive!
of course Hubby’s half had salami and Mexican cheese!
I love these pre-made multi grain crusts. For only $9.99 you get three with three packets of organic marinara. WAY BETTER then Pizza Hutt’s and way cheaper(loving that).This pizza cost us practically NOTHING!
How about Mocktail!! I received these POM bottles about a week ago, and LOVE them, thanks POM! I adore their size. I thought it would be fun to make a little POM Martini( minus the alcohol). I used part TJ’s sparkling mineral water and 1/4 of POM, it was soo good i had a second glass later. I can’t wait to try their other recipes online.
Later I had a study snack, mini chocolate oatmeal cookies with a scoop of AB, some honey almond tea with all the fixins.
“RACE DAY†7 on the 7th
An hour before the run:
Right after Lab( got a B+ on the vertebrate!!!!), I had my pre-race snack. I had a large oats in the am for breakfast.
Orange+Honey Graham Z Bar
Me+Fuel Ready to Run!
Fuel= Heed in water bottle+two Hammer gel’s!
First 3 miles:
My legs felt a little heavy at first and I had to go pee!!! So needless to say my first 3 miles were a little faster then intended because I was trying to get to the BATHROOM. Found one at mile 3!
Second 3 miles:
It’s started to sprinkle and the clouds were moving in. I was feeling pretty good.
I had to put the camera phone away, it started PORING!!!! I ran through it, kind of reminded me of St.George which made me happy and I think that’s what got me through it. I just kept thinking how if my students knew I was running in the rain, they would scold me! lol I took a gel at mile 5.
MILE 7 Official Time:
At mile 10 I took one more gel to push me to the finish. Surprisingly I had no stomach issues( I think it might have been because I started running at 12pm), my hips and butt started getting heavy at mile 12 and my ankles started aching a bit. I ignored it, tied my shoes a little tighter and finished strong. At mile 13 I started playing the MENTAL game, my mind was telling me you are stupid why would you put your body through this, but my heart was saying YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
The Finish:
With all the stops I made I can’t believe I ran this fast!!! 8:23 Average pace!
I thought this was neat, here is the route I am training on:
The Boston Marathon: I think I should be ok with HEARTBREAK HILL!!! Apparently I am training on some harder hills!
I quickly threw on some warm clothes I had in the car and took off to get some Sbux. I am so glad my students gave me so many gift cards to SBUX it had saved me so much MONEY!!!! Check out my new favorite drink:
Vanilla Rooibos Tea Latte: Full leaf African rooibos tea(naturally caffeine free), also known as red tea, paired with Tahitian vanilla and cinnamon. Sweetened with classic syrup and topped with steamed milk( soy for me)and velvety foam.
What a great RUN, man I was so ready to take a nap! I couldn’t though because we had friends coming over for dinner and games.
We invited our friends, Justin, Meghann, Jeremy, and Heather over for dinner last week and I have been looking forward to it all week. I planned to make the fish that my friend made me earlier in the week, some rice, and a large salad. Friends brought the drinks and dessert, by the way this is a great party tip. Always ask friends to bring something it not only saves time, but saves MONEY too.
Strawberry Blueberry Spinach Salad with toasted almonds and goat cheese: I love this salad because it so colorful and full of juicy goodness!
The Table: Hubby making a fire in the background.
Easy Table Decor: Candles in a fun bowl with corks.
Now here is where the fun part comes in, I started to tell my friends about my blog (it was about time). They were so interested and intrigued, they loved it!!! It became a big hit at the table, and before I knew it I was having them taste my new love Naturally Nutty .
We took out spoons and started a dessert taste test!
The LOVED IT!!! So then we moved on to Barney Butter
They liked it too but not as much as Naturally Nutty.
Hey friends if your reading thanks for supporting my blog, and listening to me go on and on about it last night!!!
We then took the party into the living room with our coffee and tea and played Scattagories until 1AM!!!! I haven’t laughed that hard in forever, I seriously almost peed my pants a couple of times. What a fun, free night of laughs and smiles:)
Well after such a late night I didn’t end up waking up until 9:30am, sadly missing church this morning. I will have to listen to it online. Hubby is still passed out, I am letting him sleep he never get’s to sleep in. I wanted something special for breakfast so I made a new kind of oats.
The Mix-Ins
- on the stove:1/3 cup oats, vanilla soy milk, water, 1/2 small banana,pinch salt, tbs vanilla
- ~1/4 Chocolate Brownie Z Bar
- 1/2 tbsp flax
- sprinkle of coconut
- handful of blueberries
- handful of honey and flax granola
- spoonful of Naturally Nutty Vanilla Almond Butter
- spoonful of Fage(never had this on oats)
With a cup of coffee and some Silk creamer.
It’s raining outside, and I am loving it!!! I love listening to the rain in the morning it’s so relaxing and that’s what I need today is some RELAXATION!!!! I plan on doing some Yoga For Runners, and then studying for A&P a bit. I have to teach AKB tonight, hope I am not too sore!!!!
Question for you all: Do all your friends know about your blog, do you feel comfortable telling them? I just found out my FIL reads, high BEN!!!
Happy Sunday….Breath….Just Breath…..
P.S. Don’t forget about the Naturally Nutty Give-Away! Contest ends February 10th at midnight!
30 responses to “7th on the 7th “Race†Report + Nut Butter Taste Test!”