A Merry of All Merriness

What an amazing weekend!!! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚ I am actually not as sad as I usually am that it’s all over. I think I am looking forward to a new year of many new beginnings and new memories to be had.


Christmas Eve was spent at two houses! But before we went to celebrate with family Hubby and I exchanged ornaments. It’s a tradition Hubby and I made our first Christmas and it is so much fun!


The trick is we have to make them. This year I put Bosco’s paw print on an ornament and Hubby decorated this beautiful bell. I will show you better pictures soon.

Then it was off to Grandpas house!!


Where we ate tamales and pasole my favorite!


We also did our annual Santa exchange and Hubby and I made out with a gift certificate to Olive Garden and fun new game!


Then we headed over to my other side of the family and that’s when I started to get real sick!


We only stayed for a little bit and then went home to rest up. I had a fever, soar throat and a really bad sinus headache. As soon as I sat down with a hot cup of tea I started to feel amazing!!! It was a Christmas miracle!


We all slept in on Christmas morning and then made breakfast. We used to open presents first but eating before is so much better!


My plate was filled with fresh biscuits (Hubby made) Cinnamon rolls, Jimmy Dean sausage and cheese balls, eggs, Chobani yogurt and fruit!


Then it was present time!!!


In my stocking was a clue to a gift scavenger hunt Hubby had created! Each gift I found would have another clue and so on and so on. Isn’t he the best?!


Such a fun way to find gifts! After our breakfast at home we cleaned up and got ready to head to my Dads house for lunch (it’s just like the movie Four Christmas’s).


My Dad is the king of tablescapes!


I enjoyed some more tamales!!


Then we all opened more presents and just relaxed for the afternoon. Before I knew it we were off to my Moms house for Christmas dinner. Where I found this photo of my youngest brother and I, now he can pick me up ๐Ÿ™‚ such sweet memories.


We ate and opened more gifts! Mom hooked us up with some nice jackets! She has great taste.


As well as a running jacket!


So much fun was had and then again I started to get sick! We came home I had some more hot tea and went to bed at 9pm and slept in until 7am! I woke up feeling all stuffed up so I loaded up on drugs!


I am going back to work today and have a long day a head of me. Praying this cold will go away fast!!!!

Besides getting sick this Holiday was beautiful. Celebrating Christ’s birth and one another is what I call a wonderful Christmas!


Hi Ho Hi Ho it’s back to work I go!

Question: Did you have a wonderful Christmas?

P.S. One of the best gifts I got was my guitar all fixed up. It’s been missing some strings for a while so my brother fixed it and promises to give me lessons! I already learned silent night!



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