Exceptional Sunday

What a fun weekend it has been! This weekend we got to enjoy some of the most beautiful Spring weather. After Church today, I met up with my running buddies and we went for the most beautiful 6 mile trail run. So happy running is back in my life!


After our beautiful & sweaty run, I headed over to the ball park to meet the Hub’s and friends for some co-ed softball. What a fun game!


Instead of going out to dinner, we decided to swing by the market and pick up some meat to throw on the grill. It was too beautiful not to!


I enjoyed an easy salmon with some garlic powder, black pepper corn and sea salt. On the side, I had some summer squash that I grilled as well as an arugula salad with my favorite balsamic apple vinegar.


My salad had arugula, avocado, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and bv.


I can not tell you how excited I am about grilling again! I love eating outside with my love.


The rest of my evening was spent getting all ramped up for my March Beachbody Challenge and prepping for the week ahead.


It couldn’t have been a more exceptional Sunday!!!

Have you busted out your grill yet?


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