{Five Minute Friday} Finish



This week was our anniversary and time kinda of got in front of me. I know I was supposed to be tracking my water, but I am gonna start our Propel Hydration challenge next MONDAY, don’t worry if you left a comment those will still count until next Friday August 1st!

Now how about the five-minute Friday post? This weeks writing prompt from Lisa Jo Baker was Finish and I am sad to see her pass the baton, but excited for what’s in store for her!



When I think of the word finish, the first thing to come to mind is a RACE..naturally. I think about all the training that goes into my marathon and triathlon races and how I just can’t wait to get to the finish line. But then I also think about finishing well in life. Like when I start a new job, project, fun new lesson with RJ, a book, a letter…I always want to finish well.

There are so many things that I start that I truly never finish, do you have things like that? I can’t even tell you how many books I have read and have never finished. I even started a baby book for RJ, that I think I only made it to month four. Or even blog serious that I have great intentions in keeping up! Even though I haven’t finished, I usually plan to…or at least I think I will.

It is interesting that there are some things in my life that I couldn’t imagine not finishing, a workout, a marathon, a meal, a house project, but then are other things that I just throw the towel in and never touch again. I guess you could say if I am not passionate about it, I won’t finish it…not always the case, but sometimes it’s true.

I want to get better at finishing the things I start. Maybe that means I need to take on less and just pour into the things that I already have on my plate. I want to stop leaving things undone (I am the worst at mailing things and they will sit in my car for months). I want to be better at following through!

So where do I start? Guess I should make a list that I actually FINISH of things that I have undone and start checking things off…or maybe just start fresh?

At the end of it all, I want nothing more than to approach God’s throne one day and have him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant, well done!” Matthew 25:31.



2 responses to “{Five Minute Friday} Finish”

  1. Your daughter is just so darn adorable!

    I am the worst at finishing. I love starting, because starting is exciting! But finishing is working on all the boring details, and that is just not always fun. But I would love to start and finish since I think that only going through the whole experience will allow me to grow and learn. If I don’t ever finish anything, I won’t ever learn from it! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. You’re obviously someone who finishes well.
    No reason to think you can’t continue in the same vein.
    God bless x