Five Things Friday

Happy Friday!

It was a busy week around the McCormick household and my legs are letting me know it today! Can’t wait for a good rest day tomorrow while I sit outside watching people take things of my porch (Garage Sale Day). It has been hot around here, like REAL hot… 106 degrees-or-so hot! So the Hub’s and I are off to Palm Springs on Sunday for our belated six-year anniversary to enjoy some even more HOTNESS and soak in the pool. Let’s pray we don’t shrivel up like raisins 😉

Five things I am loving right now…..


{This summer dress I found out Marshalls for $12. I could love in it!}


{These prints from Naptime Diaries. So stinking cute!}


{Getting back to Yoga. Feels good to stretch out and be still during the week.}


{Walking to coffee shops with friends instead of just sitting and chatting.}


{The Influence Network… can’t wait to get to the conference! I am so inspired by all of these ladies!}


6 responses to “Five Things Friday”

  1. We just got back from Palm Springs on Wednesday. It was our first time there and we loved it. So hot but as long as you stay by the pool it’s really not that bad. Enjoy!

  2. I adore that dress you look fab!


  3. Happy anniversary! Love, love, LOVE the dress!

  4. Happy belated anniversary! and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that dress! so cute! I never have luck at Marshalls or well maybe I am just never patient enough to look through all they have 🙂 could be that too!

  5. Alyssa H Avatar
    Alyssa H

    Have a happy anniversary! It’s my husband and my first anniversary this weekend and we’re celebrating in Carmel 🙂

  6. cute dress!! and we are getting back into doing more yoga too, feels great!