My First Bowl of FALL!!!

It is about time that it started feeling like Fall around here! I love it. But this morning when Rachel and I went for our 6:30 run it was a little too chilly (not for you east coasters but for a So Cal girl like me) guess I am going to have to start busting out those jackets! We went for an easy 2.6mile trail run about 35 minutes . This trail is really started to suck! It winds around and we get lost every time, think we might have to try another.

After the run I went to an hour of kickboxing. Always nice to go on a Saturday morning because I get to see a lot of friends:) It kicked my butt as always and I felt much better then I did on Thursday. I think kickboxing gets my arms more toned then any other exercises. I have always been obsessed with getting my arms in shape. I have always had flabbiness(if that’s a word) and it’s taken me forever to get them lean and have some muscle. I also believe that lighter free weights with more reps really does work as well, and won’t bulk you up. By the way, women won’t bulk up unless their taking something!!;) Needless to say after my two hours of exercising this morning I was starved. I did have two pieces of toast with pb before I left this morning, and then a banana on the drive home but was still hungry.

To celebrate the season, I decided to have my first bowl of Fall AKA Pumpkin Oats. I took Kath’s oats and mixed it up a bit.

  • 1/2 cup of oats
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup vanilla hemp milk(promise this review is coming tonight!)
  • handful of granola
  • 2 tbs. brown sugar
  • pinch of vanilla
  • pinch of Cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup of pumpkin
  • flax seed
  • drizzle of honey on top
  • couple of golden raisins

On the side I had a little piece of sourdough from Panera which was great for using as a spounge to wipe the bowl clean:)

This afternoon Hubby and I are headed to our coed softball game( , and then a Costco run O goody:) I still have a long of list of things to do when I get home, hoping to make something for dinner that is a comfort food but healthy…oooo the recipes to choose from!


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