O’Charlies+Blind Side+Blogger Meet-Up in Memphis

Happy Monday Friends! I am on vacay still so I can truly say Happy MONDAY! For all of you are at work today, I hope that your beginning of the week is wonderful!

Yesterday was very relaxing for us, we hung out with Hubby’s BFF and watched football and then headed out to dinner with the MIL. This was our last night in Memphis so we had to make sure we chose a dinner spot wisely. We decided that O’Charlies was a must! I checked out the nutritional information at livestrong.com, I was going to go with the Turkey Burger until I found out it has 940 calories and 55 grams of FAT!

I did manage to have one of their famous rolls!  (150 calories a piece)

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I decided on the Apple Crisp Chicken Salad for my main entree, but I had no blue cheese, dressing on the side, and light on the candy pecans.

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I was so happy with my decision, this salad was very tasty and I didn’t feel like BLAH when I finished. After dinner we met up with some friends and went out to see the Blind Side! What a terrific movie! Yesterday I tweeted â€œBlind Side to me as a Coach, Women, Christian and lover of sports it was AMAZING!!” Sandra Bullock played the perfect mother! I would go see it again!

Hubby and I stayed up chatting with the MIL and may or may not have had some chocolate cake and icrcream ;).

This morning I met up with some beautiful blogger ladies, Nikki D. and Erin at Starbucks.

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These two ladies are so sweet I know that if I lived her we would be great friends! I love blogger meet-ups because you always have so much in common to talk about, I hope to go to a blogger conference soon so I can meet many more! I know whenever I am in the south I will always have friends!

Hubby and I are saying goodbye to Memphis this morning and are headed back to Nashville until tomorrow night. Only 48 hours left of vacation, I need to soak it up!!!

Operation Chocolate Covered Kindness

Katie is hosting a pageview charity drive over on her blog. Be sure to check it out as today is the LAST day of the drive. Katie will be donating all of her money earned through Foodbuzz to The Enough Project. The more pageviews she receives, the more money she donates, so get clicking!

Question: What is your favorite part of vacation, food, attractions, rest????

My favorite part is not being on a time schedule!!!


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