Things are slowing down around here. I feel like I have so much time. I haven’t worked out once since the race. My body feels great, but I wanted to give it two full days of complete rest! I even thought about going to yoga, but instead I have been stretching and walking a lot. I will get back on track soon!


I have been getting back to normally eating, it’s about time!  My appetite has been all wacked out!!! I think I have found one of my favorite snacks Chobani + Granola, the perfect combination 🙂


I also have fallen in love with Tempeh!!

Yesterday I made tempeh tacos, and tonight I made a tempeh stir fry! What is tempeh?

“Tempeh has been a staple in Indonesia for over 2000 years. It is a highly nutritious fermented food traditionally made from soybeans and its high protein content makes it a wonderful substitute for meat. It is typically made by cooking and dehulling soybeans, inoculating them with a culturing agent (like Rhizopus oligosporus), and then incubating the innoculated product overnight until it forms a solid cake.” source (http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=126)

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Tempeh Veggie Stir Fry


  • Chopped egg plant
  • Chopped zucchini
  • Chopped tomato
  • Chopped Tempeh
  • Chopped Cashews
  • Low Sodium Soy Sauce
  • EVOO
  • Brown rice


Stir-fry all ingredients in a little evoo. Add a little soy sauce and top over brown rice!


So delicious.

So what’s next for this girl?

What challenge will I be taking on next?

Well I won’t be doing a full Ironman anytime soon ;),  but I will be getting in more yoga + strength training and signing up for this half or maybe full 😉


I will be speaking at the URBAN RUNNING: BLOGGER SUMMIT the day before and I can’t wait!!

Anyone else running this race and or going to the blogger summit???


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