St.Patty’s Day at Disneyland Part II + Boston Update

Hubby and I are still recovering from our Disneyland day of fun, man we must have walked like 30 miles that day. As you saw in my last post, we played and played then went to ESPN Zone for dinner and played some more(this plays is a man’s DREAM).


Hubby’s Birthday Drink a “Lucky You”. Maduri Sour+Malibu Run+Pineapple Juice..and something else I can’t remember.


Hubby of course had a mean burger, I went with a healthier alternative(which there were very few of), Blue Cheese, Apple Walnut Salad: Cold romaine lettuce, raisins, red peppers, and white balsamic vinaigrette. I asked for almost everything on the side and added chicken.



mmm it was sooo good, I plan on replicating this soon!!!

After dinner we went back into the park for a few more rides, then hubby got his Ice-Cream and I got a cup of coffee to keep me awake for the drive home. We got a 2 for 1 ticket so we get to go back AGAIN in 30 days, I will be done with Lent and will have to enjoy an ice-cream CONE!!!!


Well yesterday I tried to get back to a normal week, and after a mid week Disneyland trip it was not easy. I enjoyed a classic bowl of oats🙂


With chopped pecans,wheat berries, Bobbi’s Granola Greatness, some Hemp Milk, and a spoonful of Naturally More PB.

I had an amazing salad from a local burger joint, because I left my lunch on the COUNTER at home, don’t you HATE when that HAPPENS??


Snacked on an apple before my INTENSE Track workout.



Can you believe I only have 4 more weeks till BOSTON??!!! I am in my 11th week of training, I just booked my MASSAGE for the day after the race, and am planning all the fun things to do while were there, any suggestions????

My track work out last night was very interesting. If you have ever done a speed workout on the track you know how hard these can be. My plan called for me to warm up for 1 mile, then do some strides, and then the main set was, well to say the least DRAINING! I started at 6pm, which was nice because the sun was still up, but by the time I finished the sun started to set it was beautiful. Ok that was a side note, back to the workout! The main set was 5X1200’s with 400 resting lap in between. Here is my statistics from my lovely Garmin:

  • 1st 1200: 5:07
  • 2nd 1200: 5:06
  • 3rd 1200:5:03
  • 4th 1200: 5:01
  • 5th 1200: 4:57
    Total miles:  1 mile warm up + 5 mile speed + 1 mile cool down= 7 miles

WOW this is the first time I am looking at this, I can’t believe I got faster and faster each one. At the beginning my legs were sore, and I wasn’t even sure I way going to finish. As my legs got warmed up I felt really good, well obviously my time reflects that:) I love the way I feel after a speed work out!! It’s a feeling of accomplishment that I don’t get from anything else.

I quickly drove home and helped Hubby prepare dinner for our guests. Skinny Bride and her Fiancé came over last night to have dinner and talk about wedding details. She is having a Tiffany wedding, so her colors are beautiful of course, but we need to find her a venue. As soon as we do that I know that she will feel less stressed! I also know that she lost 3 pounds last week!!! Baby steps, baby steps… 3 down 36 more to go!!!!

Check out the spread:


I knew I would be home late so Hubby prepared his infamous vinegar chicken, and I made asparagus,grilled mushrooms, ww rice, green beans(for the hubby) and some salad.


The secret to my grilled mushrooms, brown sugar and Worcestershire sauce:)


My plate: I only had a small piece of chicken, Skinny Bride and I split one. May not be pretty but it was YUMMY!


On to this morning, sorry this post is becoming quite lengthy if your still reading, thanx;)

I woke up at 5am and went to the gym for a tempo run on the treadmill, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!!! Oh my one should not do speed work, and a tempo run in a span of 12 hours. My legs were so heavy and I got tired quickly. So I ran 3 miles on the treadmill, then grabbed my Garmin and headed outside to run, because the sun was up!!! I did 2 more miles at 7:25 pace. My total was 5 miles 4 being at 7:30 pace, I skipped the cool down because hubby needed to get home.

I am so sore and will be doing some Yoga in a minute, but first I have to show you my yummy breakfast!!!!

This was my inspiration:



I topped two of them off with a chopped apple that I put in the microwave with some brown sugar and cinnamon. I also had a little Naturally More on top and some Chiboni Greek Yogurt.


Wow this week is quickly coming to an end, I am checking of my list!!!

  • Hubby’s Birthday Tomorrow
  • Wednesday Meeting with Skinny Bride to go over wedding stuff
  • Write March Featured Fridge Post
  • Send out a goodie package to a fellow blogger
  • Put together Wild Wild West Relay team ( still need to hear from people)
  • Church meeting at Z’s Pizza
  • Staring a TBL Competition, more details to come
  • Running a half marathon+ 5 miles on Saturday
  • Volunteer for the Pasadena Marathon on Sunday
  • I have the WINNER of the MixMyGranola Give-away coming up later so check back to see if it’s YOU!!!!

    Have a Thankful Thursday, what’s something you are thankful for today???

    *I am thankful for the family and friends I get to enjoy life with!!!!


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