Urbini Avi Jogger {Review}


Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Urbini. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and as a thank you for participating.

Happy Monday!

I am working on RJ’s birthday post and can’t wait to share her party fun, but today I have a fun REVIEW for ya’ll. I chose black and grey because I love keeping things neutral, but you can pick from five different colors.

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Urbini Avi Jogger. I have the ‘other’ popular jogging stroller, but I was intrigued at the price point of this stroller and wanted to test it out to see if it is a great alternative jogging stroller that might save you some money!

RJ and I go on 1-2 walks a day and the occasional 2-3 mile run, so we had plenty of chances to give it a test run.


The Urbini Avi can handle all terrains smoothly and has a responsive suspension, for either a regular walk, power walk or run. The Avi Jogger includes a responsive suspension, swivel-lock front wheel, and multi-position handle that offer stability, control, and maneuverability. It also includes a Single Touch Brake and One-Hand Quick-Fold that make for great functionality for when you need it most.

Other Avi Jogger Features:

  • Self Stands (when folded)
  • Inflatable Rubber Tires
  • 5-Point Harness
  • 2-Position Canopy (with ‘Peek-A-Boo’ Window)
  • Safety Wrist Strap
  • Plenty of Storage at Bottom
  • Reclining Seat

So how does it stack up to the “other” popular band? 

  • Both offer Easy Folding & Storage Capabilities.
  • Both offer great experience on our walks and runs.
  • My ‘other’ jogger has needed the tires to be patched six times. I don’t know if that it a fluke, but it is always a major bummer to have to patch and patch again. So far the Urbini Avi has been flat-free.
  • The Urbini Avi is about 6 lbs lighter, but I don’t know if that makes a big difference to me as I like the sturdiness feel of my ‘other’ jogger.
  • The Urbini Avi lacks accessories! My ‘other’ jogger has accessories to purchase like Single Handlebar Console, Sun Shield, Snack Tray, Car Seat Adapter, etc.
  • The Urbini Avi doesn’t have as ‘rock-solid’ break system as my ‘other’ jogger, but it hasn’t been anything to really worry about.
  • The Urbini Avi is $199. My ‘other’ jogger was $329.
If you are not planning on hour long training runs, then Urbini is a GREAT alternative with its’ solid frame and sweet price.
For those who are training for marathons and/or will have your child in the jogger for more than an hour during your workouts, I would recommend LOOKING at the ‘other’ joggers mostly because of all of the great (and needed) accessories for these types of outings, especially the Sun/Wind Shield and the better water bottle holder.

As you can see RJ loves it 😉

Purchase the Urbini Avi Jogger (sold exclusively) at Walmart.com and also follow Urbini on Facebook and Twitter. You can see my review on Walmart.com E-Commerce by CLICKING HERE.

What is your favorite jogging stroller?


One response to “Urbini Avi Jogger {Review}”

  1. Really like my Bob so far. Purchased it used on Craigslist. We haven’t used it to run yet but hopefully that will start in the next few months. He’s only 5 months old so we normally go for walks with the Ergo. These days the Bob works great for walks on the rocky beach so the dog can get a swim! Also need a stroller that has a weather shield because it rains a lot in Washington and we are active all year long.