{Virtual} Coffee Date



Well I guess I have some catching up to do with ya’ll. This week has been one of those weeks where I had to step back and just go with it. I made all kinds of plans to blog things, but life had other plans. So why don’t you grab a cup of Joe on this beautiful Friday and let’s have a little chat.

If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you…that fall is HERE!!!

October is my favorite month of the year and the house is smelling like pumpkin spice and apples all day every day. Even though it is clearly in the 100’s here in So Cal, I feel like if I burn a few candles and back a few muffins I will feel like I am in the north east.



If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you…that my new favorite Pumpkin Beer if from Fat Tire.

I am a wine girl to the core, but I do love a good brew once in a while. I went with some girlfriends to Big Bear last weekend for a friends Birthday Celebration and I discovered this gem. It has hints of cinnamon and cloves, the perfect cozy beer.



If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you…how much I love consignment sales!

This week, I helped out and shopped at one of the biggest consignment sales around. It’s a bunch of women that get together and re-sale children items from 0-size 10. This year I volunteered so that I could beet the crowds. I didn’t sell anything, but I set a budget for $60 and I spend exactly $58! I got more 18-24 months stuff so RJ can grow into it as well as some really cute and affordable shoes.



If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you...that I am reading The Best Yes.

We are leading the Refresh Summit attendees through The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst leading up the Summit (can’t believe it’s in less than 60 days). I had a client tell me about the book and instantly I was SOLD! It’s all about saying no to the things that may be overwhelming you and over flooding your soul, so you can say YES to the things that matter! This book is for anyone and everyone. Such great scripture tie in and I love the way she writes.



If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you...that RJ had her first modeling gig. 

Well not really, but a friend is opening an Etsy Shop and RJ modeled some of her adorable clothing and head bands. We got to take pictures at the pumpkin patch and RJ wanted to take all the pumpkins HOME! I can wait to take her back with Dad!



If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you...that our house is divided.

The play offs start tonight and it’s Dodgers VS Cardinals. So this will be an interesting play off series for us all. The Cardinals have always beat the Dodgers, but I have a feeling that it is going to be different this year. I made some bacon wrapped dates and Rotel for the hubby (bribing him to let RJ wear blue).



If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you…that it’s been a rough week.

Nope, my life is by far from perfect. RJ has had trouble sleeping, I have been in a funky mood and I just can’t seem to put my finger on what is up. But I know that tomorrow is a new day and I have new mercies coming at me left and right! I constantly fail to give grace, even though grace is given to me one hundred fold. I love that I am learning to love with my whole heart and not just parts. Life is for sure a marathon, not a sprint…but I can only pray I am getting better and better! (Sorry this was a bit all over the place).

If we were having coffee this morning I would tell you… I am running again! 

Why did I take such a long break off? I think I just got burnt out. But I AM BACK! I just signed up for my first 1/2 marathon this year, the Temecula Half Marathon. I did it last year and LOVED IT! Love that you get to run through the vineyards, hilly but fun and drink wine after. If you would like to join me, they have a 5k too. I have a discount code you can use and you will get 10% off your registration , FRIENDSOFBOBBI. I am also doing a Century Ride with Gatorade the week after (I know I be crazy), but I am excited!!!


Alright friends, I hope you have an amazing weekend! What’s new with you?



5 responses to “{Virtual} Coffee Date”

  1. I love a good pumpkin beer!! Sam Adams and Blue Moon are both good and taste really similar. I’ll have to try the New Belgium. RJ looks adorable in her modeling clothes!! And congrats on running again! A half marathon around a winery sounds fantastic!

  2. Lysa TerKeurst’s books are my favorite! I haven’t read that one yet, but I want to!
    I see one of Malia’s skirts that I consigned, in your Moo pile! Yay 🙂

  3. love the photo collage in your dining room!

  4. Fat Tire is a good beer. I haven’t had any of the seasonal varieties yet. That Pumpkick is looking good though. Might have to try that one out!
    Even though your life may be far from perfect and you are in a funk this week, I think your positive messages are so uplifting and help to set a positive outlook and thinking for the rest of the day. I currently work at a job I am not completely infatuated with *aka I don’t like it ;)* but my outlook has changed over the past year and I credit the positive messages you post on instagram with helping. Ultimately, I have to be the one to want to make the change and think positive, but your fresh outlook every morning when I got up gave me a boost to get over the hump and change my way of thinking. THANK YOU!!
    PS RJ is just the cutest. Girl can’t take a bad picture; she is mighty cute in the pumpkin patch above. She is lucky to have you as her mom.

  5. Gooo Dodgers! Love the pics of RJ in her little orange/polka dot skirt 🙂