20 Minute Tuesday: 300

Morning friends!!!

I am still on a huge high from passing my test yesterday. I haven’t taken a test like that in over 7 years!!! I am super excited for whatever the future holds, but more than anything at this point I am just happy to be done with the certificate studying!!! Thanks so much for your sweet words of congrats 🙂

So lately I have been getting in a sweet new weight workout at the gym. I have heard of 300 workouts before, but never ever thought I would like them.  300 workout meaning you will do a total of 300 reps!! . I did this yesterday and am sore in a good way today.

Time: 25-30 minutes
What you will need: dumbbells, bench
50 Front Lunge with Bicep Curl
50 Shoulder Press’s with alternating front kicks
50 Tight Leg Squat with Tricep Kick-Back
50 Bench Press with Butt Lift Crunch
50 Standing Back Row with Calf Raise
50 Standing Fly with Sumo Squat
300 Reps Total.  Take small 10 second breaks if needed.

I challenge you this weeek to take on the below 300 workout and tell me what you think?!

Cheers to taking risks and making dreams come true 🙂


Question: Are you a risk taker?


One response to “20 Minute Tuesday: 300”

  1. […] 7 mile run + 300 workout in my […]