A Beach Trip With the Girls

Yesterday was such a beautiful day at the beach.


Three of my good friends and I decided to head to the beach yesterday and soak up the sun. Love hanging with these girls.

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On our way out to the beach we stopped by a market in town that is one of my new favorite finds. It’s called the Olive Market and it’s right in the middle of the cutest neighborhood, this place would be dangerous if I lived close by.

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They have everything that you would need for the perfect picnic. Meats, Cheeses, Wines, and the Best Breads :).

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They have a cute little bar where you can sit and drink your coffee while reading the morning paper. 

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We decided to order breakfast, because everything on their menu looked so appetizing. I ordered the Honey Wheat Pancakes with berries.

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I only ate half and then had some of my friend Jen’s egg, potato, and turkey sausage burrito…so good!


After we were all stuffed, we finally hit the road to enjoy a relaxing and fun day together at Huntington Beach.

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We brought lots of snacks, mostly leftovers from last nights eats.


I made a couple of plates of chips and guac, I also ate a lot of cherries 🙂

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I started to get hungry for a real lunch so I made myself a Chicken & Feta Tabbouleh sandwich on some bread I picked up at the Olive Market it was called Sour dough Vegetable Medley. 


I also snacked on some Puffins, somewhere throughout the day, 

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After we got some sun we headed out to shop a little. We went to Forever 21 and I tried on a few dresses, loved the color but was not a huge fan of the length.  I just can’t get into the style these days, why are the 80’s coming back??!!

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From all the sun and the walking we were starving!! We decided to eat at BJ’s Pizza one of my favorite pizza joints. I ordered one of their Berry Cider Beers, it was the perfect refreshment.

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We all split an Italian Market salad.

original italian chopped salad. Filled with fresh Mozzarella, chunks of Fontina cheese and salami, artichokes, Kalamata olives, roasted red peppers, peperoncinis, garbanzo beans, red onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, romaine and iceberg lettuce all topped with fresh parmesan and basil then tossed with Italian herb vinaigrette.

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It was that good! 

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We all split a BBQ Chicken Pizza as well, and because I ran 11 miles that morning I ate it with pride!! 

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My second piece was just as good, looks at all those tomatoes :).  The toppings, Hickory-smoked BBQ sauce, red onions, seasoned tomatoes, cilantro and BBQ chicken breast.

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We all got so tan! 

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On the way home I had to break my one week of no sweets, we decided to get some FroYo. I got a small peanut butter and chocolate yogurt with coconut, carob chips, pralines, peanut butter chips, and a little Heath Bar. 

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It was such a wonderful SUMMER DAY!!

I am about to head out to church and teach Sunday School to the little ones. I hope you all have a relaxing and stress free SUNDAY!

P.S. I promise to share the exciting news soon!


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