Happy Monday!!!
Last night Hubby and I worked on getting up my new banner for the blog. It’s been a long time coming 🙂 I loved my old one, but needed a change!
The new one is so beautiful, I love the colors, the pictures and the layout. The picture on the banner makes me smile every time I see it! It was about time Hubby and Mr.Bosco get on there!! The new one also has some fun new tabs that I am still working on, home & garden, favorites, fitness, and my services. There a couple more fun things to come this week as well 🙂 If you read in Google Reader click over to www.bobbimccormick to see the change!
Wish I could take credit for the design, but I have to give it up to my sweet Hubby Matt for doing such a great job! He is so talented!! The wonderful Matt McCormick spent countless hours perfecting the above banner until it was a perfect representation of my blog. I owe a huge debt of gratitude towards him for working so hard. I think I should make him cookies 🙂
If you like what you see and would like a custom banner for your blog, Modern Messengers will be more then happy to help you.
Have a beautiful Monday and stay tuned for Monday Meal Plan!!!
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