Amazing Grass Review Part I

Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments about my new job!! It means so much to me:) I have had a very busy day at work and can’t wait to finish out this week strong!

This weekend after I got home from our mini vacay I was blessed with some Amazing Grass!

I love my Green Monsters and when Amazing Grass offered to send me some samples, I was so excitied to give then a try. if you get a chance head over to the Amazing Grass website and see all the benefits and cool things about wheat grass.Check out their line it is certainly is as close to real food as you can get. I have seen Kath, Abbie, and Angela drinking and eating their products and they had nothing but good things to say.

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So to start my detox from my mini vacation I had a green monster this morning and added in some GreenSuperFood! I couldn’t taste any chalkiness in the monster, but I think I shall try it all by itself with water next time so I can see what it really tastes like.

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Formulation highlights:

  • The most organic greens per gram of any leading Green SuperFood.
  • Featuring Sambazon Organic pure Acai Powder, high in antioxidants.
  • Organic Maca, revered for mental clarity, vitality and stamina.
  • FOS a pre biotic from chicory root.
  • New enhanced digestive enzymes and pre and probiotic active culture blend.
  • 100% Vegan.
  • No Soy Lecithin fillers.

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Here is some more info about it:

A full spectrum of alkalizing green superfoods, antioxidant rich fruits, and support herbs unite with organic Acai, Maca and Cacao to provide a powerful dose of whole food nutrition with a delicious dark chocolate taste. Mixes easily and tastes great in water or your favorite milk beverage. Complete with pre & probiotics and digestive enzymes to ensure rapid nutrient absorption and healthy digestion

also had this Green SuperFood Chocolate Energy Bar by Amazing Grass for my afternoon snack! I ran 4 miles this morning and was moving boxes all day so I needed some major refueling!



I like what Abbie had to say about it, “The green color made me a little nervous at first, but…looks can be deceiving because this was really good. I liked the chocolate coating on the outside and the filling had a creamy texture with little bits of crunch from seeds!”I totally agree the green color is a little frightening until you bight into it and it taste AMAZING! Best of all it is: raw, cold pressed, alkaline, gluten free, fair trade, dairy free, and vegan!!

Why Green SuperFood?

“Experts agree that consuming more fruits and vegetables, and especially deep green leafy vegetables, are beneficial for the body. It is like nature’s ultimate insurance policy. But with today’s hectic lifestyle who has time to get 5 to 9 servings a day? Accordingly to statistics, nearly 90% of us don’t get enough servings everyday. Amazing Grass Green SuperFood allows you to get the best nutrition any time of day, everyday. We’ve hand selected the most nutritious vibrant vegetables, cereal grasses, algae, anti-oxidant rich fruits probiotics and immune boosting support herbs and created a delicious tasting powder that can be mixed easily with water. For those that haven’t acquired the taste for greens, we’re confident your taste buds will love our Amazing Grass Green SuperFood!”

Read more here…

So excited to try more and review! I also can wait see how great I feel all week!! I am off to Yoga class and then peeps stay tune for a GIVEAWAY of Amazing Grass very soon here at NHerShoes!!

See you soon!


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