Amazing Grass Winner!!

Of course the day I want to start an intense workout program my stomach acts up!! I am not sure what it was, but today my stomach killed. I think it might have been the Red Curry that I had last night and today for lunch.


It is pretty spicy!  I also had some sweet cherries, loved them! 


Plus a peanut butter bar! These are super delicious πŸ™‚


I love having lunch with my love, itÒ€ℒs the highlight of my day πŸ™‚


My tummy started feeling a little bit better so I decided to have an afternoon snack. One of my co-workers at work brought in some homemade ww bread, I topped with almond butter and 1/2 banana! My all time favorite treat πŸ™‚


I so need a new camera the iPhone isnÒ€ℒt cutting it anymore. I loved all the advice you guys gave me, I will definitely be getting the Cannon. I am in the process of saving up right now πŸ™‚

I am not teaching kickboxing tonight, I switched with someone so I will be teaching on Wednesday night. I am hoping all tummy issues will go away and I will hit the gym first thing in the morning!!!!

Ok, last but not least I have winner for the Amazing Grass Giveaway!!! I went to and put in all 189 entries and came out with the number: 

True Random Number Generator Result: 169 

Congrats to robinbb please send me your full name and address so I can have them send you the Amazing Grass Best of Both Combo!

I am sure I will have something light for dinner, and Hubby and I are going to finish Transformers!!! I am actually kind of liking it πŸ™‚

See you in the morning!


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