An All Day Flying Affair

Hey Y’all!

So we made it, a long day of flying but we landed safely in Tennessee (ignore the bags under my eyes we had a 4am wake up call)!

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When flying I must bring my water bottle, reading material, iPod, iPhone, and of course…

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Starbucks! I enjoyed a soy peppermint mocha with no whip and only two pumps of mocha. I also had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.  

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While on the plane I made myself a mocktail. 

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One can of seltzer and 1/4 can of cranberry apple juice.

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For lunch I ate the other of my Subway Veggie Delight

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Green acres here we come! 

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Hubby’s excited to be HOME! 

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The SIL picked us up and we headed over to her house for dinner. She was so sweet and made us Taco’s with some of my favorite things! A huge AVACADO!!

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Flax and Oat bran Whole Wheat Pita’s

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Peach and Mango Salsa (SO GOOD). 

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My Nephews digging in! 

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My taco’s/pitas! 

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Filled with spinach, tomatoes, salsa, avocado, and turkey meat. 

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After the AMAZING dinner, the SIL (Michelle) baked cookies! 

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Chase helped :) 

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I think I shall have a cookie now, man this is going to be a week full of sweets I just know it!


I can’t believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! This month just flew by and so has our POTM Challenge. Tomorrow is our last day, I have racked up a total of 93.5 miles so far and my goal is 100!! So tomorrow I have decided instead of doing the Habitrot tomorrow I am going to go out for 7 mile run! It’s not going to be easy because it’s in the low 30’s out here and I am not used to that cold of weather. I am determined to do it though.

I have been so inspired by some great stories from the POTM Challenge participants.  Here is a wonderful email that I received from Rachel about what the POTM Challenge has done for her.

“I wanted to let y’all know that I am really enjoying POTM this year. I just started going to the track on November 1.  My goal was one mile for every day of the challenge.  26 miles in November.  I am admittedly very out of shape, and my fiancé said my goal was too high.  He told me to set it at 10 miles!  Offended, I decided I would beat 10 miles in the first week, and I did.  Now I’m at 22.26 miles with a 2.93 miler scheduled for today.  I am going to need to set a higher goal!Thanks again for setting this up.  When my wedding planning got crazy a few months ago, I stress-ate myself out of fitting in my wedding gown.  How embarrassing.  My wedding is March 5, and now I’m on my way to fitting back in the wedding dress I slightly outgrew!”

Tomorrow is our last day friends of POTM and a very important one. We will all be eating way more calories then we normally do and probably drinking them too. So we all need to get out there and hit the pavement harder then ever!


What’s your running plan tomorrow???

Have a great night friends, be THANKFUL for all that you have.


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