Babies and TV Stars

Today was filled with so many wonderful things.

After work I tried out an intense new class at our gym that is filled with intervals and circuit training! Loved every minute of it. I got off early today so I was able to go, but bummed I can’t make it regularly.

Then it was on to see my new little “niece” Evelyn Noelle! She is absolutely most adorable. D is doing well and it her entire home birthing experience was amazing to hear about!

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Can’t believe she was in that belly two days ago!


After visiting with the Beaver family I headed over to my friend Suzie’s for a TV debut of her on the Kathy Griffith’s Show. She is a spokeswoman for the National Cervical Cancer Coalition, and she is a survivor of Cervical Cancer. You can check out her story in the Self Magazine. She really inspires me!

She was so sweet and had dinner and wine for us all while we enjoyed the show 🙂


I think was the first time I have had HOMEMADE Mexican food in a long time. It brought me back to my roots 🙂 I forgot how much I love enchiladas!


Such a fun girls night with the movie star 😉


The running buddies 🙂 They look all cute and I am still all sweaty!!!


Off to bed early. Tomorrow Hubby and I have big plans, but before that I am headed out for a trail run at 5:30 and then the day is ours!!!!

Nite Nite