Morning, or afternoon to some of you. I hope you all enjoyed my November in Review, it was such a fun and crazy month and I know this one is going to be even more crazy! When we get back we already have two parties on Thursday and Friday!! I better enjoy the calm of today before the madness begins!

This morning I slept in until 8:30 it was glorious! I made myself a quick bowl of Oats filled with a bunch of goodness. It felt great to eat a normal breakfast again.

Picture 793

The SIL and I decided to try out a kickboxing class at her gym this morning. I love going to classes at other gyms, I usually learn a couple new things and it is fun to mix it up a bit. This class was very interesting we did a little bit of everything, zumba, sculpt, kickboxing, and running! I loved that we mixed it up, but I did feel a little scandalous funny dancing with the dumbbell bar! Non the less we got in a great workout for the day..I need to start adding all of this to the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge, I am so behind!

Picture 797

I thought I would show you a pic of where Hubby and I have been staying. I absolutely adore my SIL and BIL’s home, it may convince me to move here one day!

Picture 796

Ok the POTM Challenge Winners are in!!! Thanks so much to Caitlin for being on top of things, while I have been out of town.


#1. RAN THE MOST MILESJessica K who ran 298.9 miles!!! Way to rock it girl..man I so admire you.

#2. Randomly selected Amina for the winner of the General Entry prize.  She ran 20.57 miles! Yay! 

#3. And the winner of the Operation Beautiful post is Jesse Lynn Hamlin, who took a piece of chalk with her on a run through Central Park and wrote Operation Beautiful messages on the side of the road.  I loved Jesse Lynn’s entry because I actually received several emails from "strangers" who had found her note!

B&C POTM Holiday Edition

You guys rock!!! I know this challenge was so inspirational and motivating for all of you that we decided for those who are already signed up for POTM we are going to extend the challenge and offer three more prizes!!! We are calling it B&C POTM Holiday Edition and it will run until the January 1st! Caitlin or I will send you an email soon that will have the spreadsheet link on it, so stay tuned!!!

So are you your ready to keep Piling on those MILES?!

Well I have to catch a plane, see you all soon!


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