Birthdays.Wine tasting, and Rockstars!

Yesterday was full to the brim of carbs,family,wine, and friends! We first hit up my cousin Raquel’s 18th birthday party! Where the boys watched football, and the girls ate!

The Birthday Girl and I

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My Aunts Backyard, a beautiful view!

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I was jealous!

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The EATS, homemade Lasagna( I went with the meatless). I also had some salad with 2 pieces of garlic bread, MAMA MIA, it was delicious! I don’t remember the last time I ate Lasagna, maybe two years ago.

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Then Hubby and I got in the car and drove out Temecula about 50 miles away to meet up with the Bowie’s and Mead’s for some wine tasting and dinner. When we arrived they were at their last winery so we just sat with them and chilled, only had one glass of Almond Champaign courtesy of Melissa, hubby and I split it. It was so sweet and tasty.

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Then we hit up a local Brewery for some MORE…They ordered this amazing bread stick appetizer. It’s basically the best part of the pizza, the crust! I ordered a glass of the house red, and had a small piece of the bread stick heaven.

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For dinner I tried to make a healthy choice but it was hard at a place like this. I ordered a whole wheat angel pasta with mushrooms and chicken. The waitress said there was little cream sauce, LIAR! It was soaked in a heavy cream sauce, good, but my stomach couldn’t handle it. Note to self always order the sauce on the side!  This was such a heavy food day for me, I am just glad I had no dessert choices.

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The boys played video games after. They looks so serious!

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Hubby and I, Revay, and Melissa.

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The Gang

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Of course we had to go back in to town and play some Guitar Hero, we all want to be ROCK STARS! This was my first time doing the drums, they were HARD! I felt like I got a work out hitting those pads. Has anyone else played the drums before and felt like you got a workout?!

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Chris was really getting in to it! Melissa was our #1 fan!

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Chris and Brandon are tottal PROS!

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We got home rather early, 10:30 which I need to get used to, because starting this Monday I have to go to bed no later then 10pm to get up at 5:30 for runs, I am getting excited and tired thinking about it. I also am going to give up alcohol for my 16 weeks of training, I want to make sure I am fully hydrated and feel great for runs in the mornings. This will be hard! But on April 20th, my Birthday and Boston I will be CELEBRATING!


I didn’t drink too much last night, but I need a carb detox. I haven’t felt that blah after meals in a long time. So this morning I made a warm and comforting bowl of Pumpkin and Banana Oats.

The Combo:

1/2 c oats
1/2 c H2O
1/2 Almond Milk
a dash of brown sugar
2 tbs of chopped pecans
1/8 Peanut Butter Optimum Bar from Natures Path
spoonful of cranberry apple butter 

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1 fresh picked orange

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With a cup of French Pressed Coffee, and I went back and got some AB after I finished the cranapple butter, I just couldn’t resist!

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Friday when I got home I received this beautifully box on my front porch! I love the box. Nature Path sent me a wonderful package full of a variety of their products, THANKS NATURE’S PATH!!!

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I can’t wait to try them all! I already had some of the Peanut butter Optimum bar in my oats this morning and it was great! I will do a full review of their products in weeks to come, and maybe I can even get a contest going! If you haven’t already make sure you leave a comment for this weeks contest.

Alright friends, I am going to catch up on your blogs, have a restful Sunday!

Plans for today:

-Grocery Shopping
-Marathon Plan for the week
-Bootcamp with Hubby
-Healthy Dinner
-Read and Relax


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