Breakfast for Dinner

Tonight did not turn out the way I intended. I was so excited about trying a RAW meal for dinner, but Hubby had to work late and I had to go to a meeting about the bootcamp were starting this summer, can’t wait to tell all of you about it! 

Therefore I didn’t even walk into the door until 8:30pm and the last thing I wanted to do was try something new to cook, so I stuck to something yummy and easy.

Oatmeal Banana Pancakes!


I love these pancakes, they are so healthy and delicious I think I shall never go back to the boxed brand! Having breakfast for dinner was the perfect idea, Hubby enjoyed it as well. We shall try for a RAW dinner soon promise!

It has been quite the exhausting day, lot’s of emotions going on. I have some big decisions to make this week, which are good, but choices can be a hard thing too! I will let you all know about it soon, I promise.

I was going to give you all a packing list for the marathon, but I am too tired and have a big day tomorrow. I have to be up early and out of the house by 7:30 and will be gone all day until 10pm! I haven’t even started packing for SD and I leave on Friday afternoon, I also have the May Featured Fridge coming up!!!! Ok I will not stress, breath in, breath out…”sigh”

I think I shall do some yoga in the morning to help me relax a bit!

See you bright and early!!!

Nite Nite



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