Category: 5 Things

  • Five Things Friday

    Happy Friday! It was a busy week around the McCormick household and my legs are letting me know it today! Can’t wait for a good rest day tomorrow while I sit outside watching people take things of my porch (Garage Sale Day). It has been hot around here, like REAL hot… 106 degrees-or-so hot! So…

  • 5 Things: It is time to be grateful

    It’s time to be grateful…. To be grateful for the opportunity to get out and enjoy God’s beauty…. To be grateful to have the opportunity to get up early and see the sunrise…. To be grateful for family that are stepping out of their comfort zone and wanting to serve others more than themselves… To…

  • What I am Loving Right Now

    It’s been a crazy week getting back to reality and now I am off again!!! I am headed to our other campsite this weekend to work out in Ojai (Ventura) CA. I leave you today with 5 things that I am loving right now. 1. This RUN shirt I got from my friend Heather. 2.…

  • 5 Things Friday

    Happy Friday friends! Time to celebrate the little things in life this week, that brought us great JOY! 1. Busting out my boots and scarves, welcome fall!! 2. Getting my November issues of my two favorite mags in the mail! Great recipes and workouts to come. 3. Experimenting in the kitchen: A fun new recipe…