Chicken & Feta Tabbouleh + Wiffle Ball

It’s almost Friday :)!!!

I ended up eating lunch at my desk today I had to work on the my boot camp schedule for the next 8 weeks. I hope that all this planning dies down soon, I love being organized but this girl needs a break!

I have declared Thursdays as “Leftover Lunch Day”. The teriyaki chicken even tasted better today then  last night!


After work I headed straight to the gym and did a wonderful 45 minute circuit training workout from “Making the Cut” Jillian is a BEAST!

As soon as I got home I went straight to the kitchen all sweaty and all, I wanted to make sure I had time to make dinner. I have been waiting all week to make this new recipe I found in my Cooking Light Magazine.

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I have been dying to try Bulgur Wheat and I finally found a recipe that looked super tasty,  Chicken & Feta Tabbouleh :).

I snacked on a few wonderful Toasted Almond Kashi Crackers while I cooked.

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Look at all of the pretty colors!!! This was so easy to make, perfect for any summer pot luck!

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It also tasted amazing!! I love Bulgur, now I need to find what else I can put it in :) 

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I had some Kashi crackers to go along with this beautiful dish.

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Check out this video, it talks about how to make Bulgur and all the wonderful benefits it has for your body.


After dinner we rushed off to meet up with our Thursday night crew for a game of Wiffle Ball!!


I am a lot better at this Wiffle Ball then I thought 🙂


Such a fun night and to top of it off I have a fun surprise for you all….I got a new camera( well new to me).

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All that patience that I have had waiting to buy a new camera has paid off!!! A couple weeks ago my friend Jess told me that she was buying a new camera, I told her when she did I would be willing to buy her old one. Well she bought her new one sooner then I thought she would and she sold me this beautiful Canon PowerShot SD300 for only $50!!! WOW I feel so blessed 🙂

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I used to have a Canon PowerShot, so now I just have to play with it a little more to figure out the best settings. We also have a Canon Rebel, that’s how I can take such nice pictures at home!

Alright friends I have yet another early morning tomorrow. I am going to run 3-4 miles before boot camp in the morning, so that means I have to be up at 5am!!!

Nite Nite

P.S. I almost caved into FroYo tonight but I resisted!! Only one more day of NO SWEETS!!!


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