Cinderella Dressed in Yella

Ok so today after church I worked my little toosh off! I CLEANED LIKE A MAD WOMEN!!!! First I made some home-made tomoto soup, in a sourdough bowls for hubby and I The perfect cold afternoon lunch.

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I then threw on my grubby cloths and started in the kitchen!!!! According to I burned like 144 extra calories! I cleaned, dusted,swept, and mopped: the kitchen, dining room,bedroom, guest room, and office. MAN I AM TIRED!!!! When I got to the guest room I almost had a MAJOR MELT DOWN!!!! I couldn’t find a bag that had half of the presents that I bought on my last shopping trip. I searched for almost 45 minutes, and the hubby saved the day and asked if they were under the tree already wrapped, O MY GOSH!!! I can’t bleive that I already wrapped them, lol…wow

I had this banana bread LARABAR for a snack , mmmm…man is there a flavor I don’t like?

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As I was cleaning I found a few things I forgot to share with you all. A wonderful gift of relaxation from my co-worker Nicole. THIS WAS THE BEST GIFT, she’s a very thoughtful friend!

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She got my some soft jammi pants, soft socks, a yummy relaxing candle and some chocolate.

This chocolate has lavender in it, and this candle smells amazing! I am so taking a bath this week, and eating this chocolate while I am in it!

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I also got some home-made pomegranate jelly from a student, I will be trying this in my oats tomorrow morning!!!! 

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I sooooo nibbled while I cleaned it was hard to resist, but I did do around 100 jumping jacks in between rooms!!!

1/2 a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie

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This is the stash we have from friends and students!!!!

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Peppermint  Chocolate, Truffle, Kisses

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I am still not completely done cleaning, I still have to clean the master bathroom and wrap presents. I planned on making dinner tonight but I was too pooped so hubby ordered pizza, his and her style. Half pepperoni half bbq chicken with no cheese. I had three pieces and made myself a cranberry apple, martini!!!!! FIRST COSMO IN LIKE A YEAR!

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I had two!!!

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Then for dessert I had an Oatmeal, Chocolate, Pecan Cookie

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I am currently watching some cheesy lifetime Christmas movie while Bosco sleeps on my lap….I was planning on doing a review and contest tonight but I AM TIRED! So sense I have the day off tomorrow I will have to leave you in suspense for tomorrow!!!! I am going to finish the cheesy movie and then clean just a little more. HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!!!


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