Somehow I managed to get some energy this evening and made some super yummy pizzas. This time Hubby made the Honey Wheat Crust, and I topped the pizza with our favorites!

My Clean Pizza: Organic BBQ Sauce, grilled tofu,tomatoes,onions,1 small sweet potato,cashews,fresh basil, and goat cheese.

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His Plain Boring Pizza: Mozzarella Cheese, Cheddar Cheese,Parmesan Cheese, and Flavored blasted Goldfish. He added the Goldfish for kicks!

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In the oven they go! 350 degrees for 5-7 minutes!

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Out they came:) Hubby was very excited, we haven’t made pizza in almost 3 weeks!

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So was Bosco!

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I started with two pieces but quickly decided on three:)

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I made a small side salad to go with my pizza topped with fresh strawberries.

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I love tofu and sweet potatoes on my pizza it’s a match made in heaven!

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Can’t wait to take leftovers to work next week!

Tonight Hubby and I are watching the Dodgers Vs. Angels Game, I say go DODGERS! I am a girl who wears BLUE!

Question: What are you all doing for Father’s day, any creative last minute gift ideas??


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