Crazy Sexy Challenge Week 2: Supplements

If you missed my first week recap, check it out here.

Recap: Made it through week 2 with only have one OOPS! Ate gluten, felt bad. Went to a Subway event and avoided wheat and meat. Went out with the Hub’s for the first time on the challenge and stayed strong. Chose brown rice, tofu, and steamed veggies. Went to best friends 30th birthday and brought my own veggie burger and enjoyed lots of salad and salsa I made. Enjoying my new love for digestive enzymes and drinking aloe! Can’t wait to eat a burger, end of story 😉

A little recap of some of the amazing eats I enjoyed this week (recipe for salsa to come soon).




Overall it was an amazing week of workouts and EATS! Still sticking to MTC, but not stressing if I can’t get in a day. Embracing my inner child and LOVING LIFE!!!



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