Doc Says I Have to Give Up Raw Veggies

When I was at the Doctors for my annual physical, I told her about my constant tummy aches, and she came to the conclusion that it’s all the RAW veggies I eat! She said that for some people raw veggies don’t digest as easily and if they are steamed or grilled they go down easier, I am not completely sold on this idea, I might need a second opinion. This week I am going to steam all my veggies and hope that they make my tummy feel better.

Does anyone else have this problem? I must do some research on this.


Steamed veggies with a little teriyaki

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Grapes off the vine

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Food Should Taste Good Chips

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A leftover homemade Turkey burger on a Sandwich Thin. I also added a little non-fat cream cheese, tomato, and Emirl’s Mustard.

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All together :). 

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I am enjoying my lunch at my desk today, got some AD work I need to catch up on. Wish I was outside enjoying the beautiful fall day, good thing I have
x-country practice after work!

Question: Do you have any food allergies?


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