No running for me this morning. When I looked at the clock it said, 5am and my body said YA RIGHT!! Five hours of sleep doesn’t cut it, so I guess I will be hitting the gym tonight.
This morning I was inspired by Meghann and Kath’s bowl of yogurt and cereal.
- 1 container of Fresh and Easy Yogurt
- Handful blueberries
- Half banana
- Tbsp flax
- Few tbsp of Bobbi’s Granola Greatness
- Handful of Puffins
- Tbsp of PB
- Drizzle of Honey
This bowl was perfect and I think it should hold me over better then a plain old bowl of cereal.
Today I wanted to share with you all the race that I have been working on.
So… the Wild West Relay is quickly approaching…actually, it’s in 8 days!
For those of you who don’t know about WWR, here’s the lowdown:
- 200 miles, 24 hours
- 12 runners per team
- 36 legs total
- 3 legs per runner
- From Fort Collins, CO to Steamboat Springs, CO
- 2 SUV’s packed with granola bars, peanut butter, stinky people
- Lots ‘o hills
- Lots ‘o elevation
- Really, really challenging terrain but it promises to pretty amazing
We gathered runners from all over the blogosphere and then some! Here’s our team, the Dangerous Dozen!! 10 girls and 2 guys!
- Amanda from Run to the Finish
- Melissa from Trying to Heal
- Kristen from ChasRunner
- Shannon from Shannon’s Scene: Take Two (and a Charlestonite 🙂
- Alesha my BFF from college (we also went to high school together!)
- Cynthia from Amber (Shannon’s cousin)
- Julie
- Jennifer (not sure if she has a blog either!)
- Jeri from JerBer Shares
- Moore (Alesha’s friend)
- Dionne (Moore’s friend and lives in CO)
- …and yours trully
We also have two of my lovely friends driving out with me to volunteer for us, thanks Sandra and Carly 🙂
I am runner # 2 so my legs are 2, 14 & 26. Check out these maps! The elevation is CRAZY! I will be running a total of 19.1 miles.
Being the Captain has been a hella stressful little overwhelming, but fun at the same time. From planning the packing list, hotels, transportation, and all the race details I haven’t had to much time to actually think about the RACE!! I guess I am not looking at this as a race but as a time to see COLARADO for the first time and meet some pretty amazing people!
We leave this Wednesday night for a 15 hour road trip to Fort Collins, CO. I am so excited and I know that everything is in place and now I can focus on the RUN!
Anyone have any ideas about how our team can creatively uniform itself?? Crazy sox? Hats? We need ideas!!!
Hubby’s Random Fact: Every day, the average person swallows about a quart of snot.
WOW, that’s crazy have a great Thursday Friends!
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