Energizer Bunny Needs New Batteries

Is it bed time yet? This weeks festivities have taken a toll on my poor little body. Sometimes I feel like a robot and then all of a sudden my batteries just run down and need to be recharged. It’s only 8:30pm on a Friday night and I am going to bed. But first….

What a wonderful Friday I had, the Boss let us off at 2pm!!! What a wonderful surprise. Later some of us met up at Hanger 24, a local Brewery in town that I have been dying to go to.



I went with my favorite beer they serve which is an Orange Wheat, the perfect summer drink. “Crisp, Tangy, and Refreshing. The citrus aroma, light airy mouthfeel, and tangy finish are this unfiltered beer’s trademarks. This is accomplished by adding whole locally grown oranges throughout the brewing process, which perfectly coalesce with the wheat and barley base.”


The girls went with some darker beers that I am not a big fan of, to each his own.


If you purchase one of their 2L Growler (equivalent to a six pack – those big bottles in the background) for $32 and then every time you bring it back to the brewery it only cost $10!


For dinner Hubby and I decided to hit up Red Robin, we are not big fans of chain restaurants, but it sounded fun. I ordered the Salomon Burger on a WW Bun, AMAZING!!! I also got a side salad instead of fries, but I did manage to steal a couple of Hubby’s GARLIC FRIES!


After dinner we went to a meeting for the BLESS REDLANDS, a community service project that Hubby and I are taking part in tomorrow morning at 7am. I will make sure to fill you all in on what Bless Redlands is tomorrow after it is over, I think you will all be inspired!

After the meeting they gave out MORE FREE ICE CREAM!! The 4th time I have had it this week, WTF I am on a roll!!!


Ok I am going to bed with Tylenol, good night beautiful friends.

Quick question, when was the last time you did community service???


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