Good Friday, Good News, A Winner & Early Birthday Presents!

Happy Friday! I so need this weekend to recuperate from this LONG week, anyone happy it’s the weekend?

First things first, I have the Danskin Giveaway winner. This by far was the largest contest I have ever had, I had a total of 287 entries!

And the Winner is Carolinebee from Banana Cabana!!! Congrats Lady! Please send me your mailing address, so I can send you the lovely Danskin Pullover! There will be another Danskin give-away soon, so no worries you will have another chance to win something wonderful too!

Secondly, I have GREAT NEWS about my foot pain. I have a wonderful friend who is a PT, and last night after our Thursday night group she took a good look at me. She showed me where the pain is really coming from, my IT band, I kind of knew that but wasn’t sure. All my foot pain is coming from my IT BAND, the minute she started to feel up my leg she said I was SUPER tight all the way up to my HIP!!!

Ok so what does all this mean a few things, I am getting a sport massage ASAP, I need to give myself an ice massage daily, I need to stretch and use my foam roller DAILY, and lastly I need to buy orthopedic insoles, I don’t have much of an arch on my foot, and she said that even though my shoes are good for support these will help a lot. When she had me stand up on my toes I was super WEAK in the inside of my legs, I can’t stand firmly on my toes which shows that I run on the outside of my foot and that is why the outside of my right foot is KILLING me. She showed me an exercise I can do to make my muscles stronger!


Last night I had Hubby me do some of the hip opening stretches, and massage my right leg and my foot already feels so much better!!! So I am not 1/2 as worried for Boston, but am going to be focusing this whole next week on stretching and icing! I can not tell you how happy I am that it wasn’t a stress fracture!

Last night after kickboxing I had a VEGGIE MAX, from Subway, I didn’t even know they had these!!! These are packed with 24g of protein!  Have you tried one before? I thought they were pretty good:)


When I got back to my car I went to get a piece of gum, and saw these sweet temptations in my purse. My Coworker gave them to me yesterday and told me to enjoy them after Lent:) She’s so sweet.


I have never even heard of mini dark chocolate Toblerone’s!!!! These will be the first thing I have when I am off Lent, or maybe it will be the Girl Scout cookies I have been dying to eat, or maybe the granola bars that I won…who knows!!!


Last night after group I came home to 2 PACAKGES!!! The first one is a sample from Raw REVALUTION: Can’t wait to try these little guys.


The second package was from ANDREA of Off Her Cork. She sent me a wonderful BIRTDHDAY package full of lot’s of wonderful treats:) I can’t wait to try all the bars, and shot blocks as well as wear the I RUN necklace. Andrea thank you dear, this was a wonderful package and it couldn’t have come at a better time:)



I have been grazing on this delicious breakfast this morning while typing this post. Two WW waffles with Naturally More PB, FAGE, Strawberries, Blueberries, and some Agave Nectar.


Today is Good Friday and for me it is a time for me is to commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of my Lord, Jesus Christ. I am taking this day to do a lot of prying and meditating on this amazing sacrifice!

Today is also my BFF Danielle’s birthday, Happy Birthday D!!! We have been BFF’s for 16 years! She is having a girls night to celebrate her big day, this shall include Thai food(my favorite) and some hot tubbin at her place after. This is what will get me through the day!


Have a Happy GOOD Friday!!!

What are your plans for Easter, if you have a great Easter recipe please share?!!!!

And finally, please check out Zesty’s benevolent project and associated giveaway.


P.S. The countdown is on 10 more days till Boston!!!


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