Her Morning Routine

Meghann’s and Tina’s posts about their morning routine inspired me to write my own. I have quite a few people send me questions asking me how I get time in to blog,workout,make breakfast and such. So here it is!

5:30 – Alarm, or internal clock goes off.

5:40 – Make Coffee with the French Press

5:45– Catch up on Emails, and Blogs

6:00-Out the door for a run, kickboxing, Jillains DVD or gym.

7:15– Shower

7:20-Make Breakfast

7:30 – Blog watch the Today Show, love me some Matt Laur!

8:00 – Pack Lunch get Dressed(I work with kids so it takes me like 2 seconds to get dressed and throw my hair up).

8:15– Ride bike to bus stop(2.5 miles)

8:30 – Catch bus, Read and Study.

9:20 – Arrive at work, prep for the day

If I don’t work out in the morning, I will teach or take a AKB class at night so this means I try and do yoga in the mornings instead of my normal exercise routine.

This morning I am getting back to Kettle Bell classes at my Gym!!! I used to do Kettle Bell classes regularly, but with the marathon training I didn’t have time. So I have made is a point to schedule in at least one Kettle Bell class a week and then I hope to be able to fit in one more!

The KB class is this morning so I made a light breakfast, Green Monster + 2 pieces of WW Apple Buttered Toast. Sadly this was the last of the Apple Butter, I will have to try and make some more. Has anyone made apple butter before? Do you have a recipe you would like to share?

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Well I am out here, gotta catch the bus, have a beautiful day friends!


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