Her Saturday: Rock Star Living!

Last night after a very stressful day at work I hit the gym at 6:30pm and did an easy 4 miles on the TM, RUNNING IS MY KIND OF THERAPY! It worked, helped me calm down and then after, I headed straight for coffee with one of my dearest friends Kelly. I love coffee/tea dates, I always feel refreshed and renewed after us girls share life together.


Miles: 4.2
Time: 35 minutes (treadmill)
Calories: 550
I also did many strides on the workout so I wouldn’t get bored!

I am starting to get used to the TM, but I am not in love with it.

Since we were at Starbucks and I was STARVING, I went with a whole wheat egg and turkey sandwich, it held me over until I got home and a small snack.


I had my first A&P lecture and lab this week, and it wasn’t that bad. I know there is a lot to be expected out of us, but school is so different now. I remember when I was working on my Under Grad I kind of just wanted to get it over with. Now that I am back I feel like a sponge just wanting more and more. A&P is not the most exciting class, but knowing that it’s a part of the journey to becoming an RD which makes me excited!!!



When I got home last night I found another package from Naturally Nutty  on our doorstep. Thanks Katie!!! I am so excited to try these wonderful NUT BUTTERS, look at these flavors!!!

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I decided to try the Butter Toffee PB on my WAFFLES this morning.

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I could really taste the yummy sweetness of the toffee!!! I can’t wait to try the others. I also tried a little taste all by itself and it was DELECIOUSE! It has a nice texture to it, not to runny nice and thick. A full review will becoming soon. food 008


Surprisingly this breakfast held me over all through the morning. After Lab I grabbed another Nature’s Path Granola bar to get me ready for my workout with Jillian. When I got home I threw the workout cloths on and did level two of Jillian’s 30 day shred. O MY she KICKED MY BUTT!!! I have never done walking pushups!!

Level 2 cardio includes:

  • high knees
  • squat thrusts with high or low intensity versions

This DVD is not for the faint hearted! This is for people that want to push themselves and workout hard. I know that everyone can do this but you have to WANT it! I am loving it! Sexy Six Pack here I come!

Afterward I made a fruity protein smoothie to hold me over until the cousins ROCKSTAR Birthday Party at 2pm. Hubby and I picked up these Yoplait Smoothie packets at Costco a few months back and now with my new Vita-Mix I had to try them.

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These bags are great, you just add milk (soy in my case) and blend. I added some vanilla protein powder to the mix as well.

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Well I am off to my second cousins Rock Star Party and then maybe Hubby and I will catch a movie( if I am lucky). Have a great weekend folks!!!!


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