Hill Repeats Anyone?

Last night I was double booked!! First I had back to school night for the High School I am coaching/ADing at, and then I had coffee with the BFF’s. I got home at 10:30pm, the only bad thing was I had to get up at 5am for practice with my Cross Country Team.

This mornings workout was all about HILLS!

The sun was just arriving when I arrived at the park.


I had my team do a 4 mile run of HILLS! I know that they hate them, but hills seriously make you a stronger runner. I wanted them to do some hill repeats but I could tell that the 2 miles of uphill running was killing them.


When we got to the top we enjoyed the most beautiful view.  Thank goodness I had my iPhone on me, I got to capture this moment.


I have a bit of a problem and I need some advice from all of you. A couple of my kiddos are missing practice, they call me last minute to let me know with all kinds of excuses. What should I do? Do I “punish” them? Make them do laps on the track? I am just so nice that it is hard for me to be harsh, but I want them to take this team serious! Any ideas????

Today I get free lunch at work, wonder what it will be?

See you tonight!!!


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