Didn’t wake up till 7:15, apparently I needed more sleep then I thought. I had to be somewhere at 8 so I literally through on my running gear (which is a lot these days) and rushed out the door. At the beginning of my run I felt great, then I started noticing some sharp pains in my back! I know that people always think that I should have back pains from running with big bobs(sorry to be so blunt) but I never have any back pain. I think that the spinning classes are causing my back pain, I made need to work on better form. Because I only 30 minutes to get some good running in, I tried to stay at 8min pace and the picked it up after the first mile. I had to run down hill for a mile, so we all know what that means, I had to run up hill on the way back. I live near the mountains so I can’t get away from the hills!!!!
My Stats:
25min run
avg pace 8:20
max pace: 6:02
calories burned: 372
When I got home I did a good ten minuet ab work out:
50 crunches
100 bicycles
50 leg touches with feet in the air
50 leg touches side to side
1 minute plank
I had to run hubby to the car shop at 8 and then come home and make some breakfast. I made the most Delicious bowl of oats ever!
Pumpkin/Cranberries Oats
1/2 c coaches oats
1/2 c hemp milk
1/2 c H2O
1/4 c pumpkin
1/4 c cranberries
1/2 banana
handful of pecans
handful of honey & flax granola
pinch of cinnamon & nutmeg
spoonful of pumpkin butter for sweetness

I just love the creamy texture of the pumpkin and banana in there. The tang of the cranberry sauce just made the whole thing perfect! I also had a cup of Joe of course, some people might love there bowls like Kath, but I love my coffee cups they all tell a story. Like this one, Mountain
Thunder Coffee Plantation is where hubby and I visited in Hawaii for our first anniversary.
Some of you asked about my
journey to Boston and how long has it taken me to get where I am in my running today. Well let’s just say I have been running sense I could walk… lol..
I started running on a club team when I was 11 and then I did cheer leading my freshman year of high school and missed running so much I quit and started the cross country team my sophomore year. I ran varsity cross country my junior and senior year(but I my PR in high school for 3 miles was 20min), along with water polo and track, I hated track though I am a long distance runner all the way. After high school I went to college and just kept being really active but not too much into running until my Senior year of college when I trained for the St. Jude Marathon in Memphis TN. I trained poorly but I got out there and did it anyway, I ran a 4:20, which was good for me at the time.
Then I had the worse case of major foot spurs, so I was forced to not run for almost a YEAR! I took up kickboxing and lost more weight then ever, apparently my body needed a change. It has only been a year now sense I have been serious about running, and health in general. I mean I have always loved both but now I am just passionate about them both so much. To get to Boston, I had a 3:30 training plan, and it worked!!! My qualifying time was 3:40, and I ran a 3:25 at St.George. It’s funny how both of the marathons I have run start with St!!!
Here is the link to my first blog post, and the reason I started this blog…..
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