"It’s the final count down!"

I guess I got what I asked for. I went out for an easy 20minutes this morning and to my surprise my Garmen and Ipod were dead, no battery. Yesterday I asked for silence, to be still and I got it. It was actually very nice to run without noise or distraction of my time or pace. I had the chance to listen to my body and hear myself breath. I also got a chance to pray and think about this weekends race. I reflected on the journey I have been on, the challenges I have faced through this training process. My body feels great with no serious pain, and with a great attitude I should do well in this weekends race!

For my post workout meal, I had Banana Nut Oat’s.

  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • handful of granola
  • handful of walnuts
  • fresh honey drizzled on top

with a tall of glass H2O and a shot of Monavie.

TWO more days till St.George!!! I guess I should start packing:) Can’t belive it’s October!

Today I am getting my car back, yeah! So I will not have to take the bus today, but am still going to try and take more often then not. Have a great Wednesday be back tonight:)


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