Let the Holiday Break Begin!

Hey friends!

Sorry I was a MIA all weekend. I had a two Christmas parties and a birthday party to attend, but I did find time for some hot yoga and…




On Saturday night, we had Hubby’s team at work over for a little Holiday Get-Together. I made appetizers for children and adults.


It’s amazing how simple these are and yet they were the hit of the party! Beef + Croissant Rolls = Gone in Three Seconds!


We did another White Elephant Gift Exchange and look how awesome Hubby’s gift was!


We had a great time with friends and Sunday there was even more holiday festivities ๐Ÿ™‚

I had an amazing coffee date with my dear friend Val and it was just what I needed. I feel so blessed to have friends who I can talk to that truly care about me as I them. I love friendship and I think I take it for granted to often! ‘Tis the season to be reminded of love!

After coffee, I went to my niece Alysse’s birthday party!! I was so happy to see her, she’s getting so big!!!!




The partying didn’t end there. Then I was off to a little girls night of holiday baking at my cousins house ๐Ÿ™‚




We each brought a recipe and the ingredients to bake and share with everyone!! It was a lot of fun. I made the easiest recipe in the world, but super delish! Oreo (Joe-Joe’s) stuffed brownies.


Messy but yummy! Sorry no pic ๐Ÿ™

I loved these Tuxedo Santa Brownies that one of the girls made, so darling.


We also enjoyed a lasagna dinner and a little vino ๐Ÿ˜‰



After all the fun baking we plopped on the couch and enjoyed the movie The Holiday. I think we did more talking then watching though!

I have the whole week off so excited!! I have big plans to reorganize some stuff in the house (not sure any of that will happen) and finish some last minute Christmas shopping.

We are also going to Arizona to visit my brother for a couple days and then it’s Christmas!! Only 6 more days, who’s ready?


P.S only 2 more days of the Holiday Shred!!! Wow time flies ๐Ÿ™‚


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