Make a Difference Monday

Alright today I am going back to work, I am trying so hard to have a positive outlook🙂 No workout this morning I teach AKB tonight. Oh and I just turned in my final HBBC POINTS: 223 . It helped that I was on vacation. I saw that someone got over 500 points, oh my that’s A LOT!

This morning I had my first bowl of oats since like Naum, well in forever. I made a bowl of blueberry banana oats.

The Combo:

3/4 c oats
1 c almond milk
1/4 c blueberries
1/2 banana
cinnamon, and brown sugar
1/4 c pecans
topped with 1/3 cup Zoe’s Honey Almond Granola
and a spoonful of Organic PB

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In my new apple bowl, so appropriate for my first day back to school.

I also had an orange picked this morning fresh off the tree.

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Last night I did a bit of research to figure out how many Calories, Carbohydrates, Fat, and Protein I need as an athlete and a women.

Calories: 1,246 to live 2,741 to be healthy as an athlete
Carbohydrates: 403g
Protein: 78g
Fat: 66g

Want to figure out what you need check out this site.

So this week I am going to be keeping a strict journal of what exactly I take in. Before I start training again for another marathon next week, I want to make sure that I am consuming the right amount of nutrients to stay healthy and strong.


Ok  today is Make a Difference Monday on my blog, and I thought I would extend the opportunity for you all to share how you have either made a difference in your communities, or tell a story about someone you know that has made a difference.

I will start with a friend I know who I shall call Steve. This guy is awesome, he always finds little ways to bless others. I remember this one time he had the opportunity to go home for Thanksgiving, and instead of being selfish and turning down something that would take away from his plans, he just went out and helped at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving. I have always wanted to do spend Thanksgiving serving others, but have never gotten out there and just done it. He inspired me, I need to just GET OUT there and DO IT!

Your Turn! Have a HAPPY MONDAY:)


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