I thought it would be nice to give you some updates on the following things…
Real Food Challenge: I am still going strong!!! Excpet for the other night, when I was a bit stressed out and had a little non-real ice-cream. I got sick. Will not happen again. Only 21 MORE DAYS! Hubby isn’t really being too strict about it when he is out with friends, but is sticking to it while we eat together 🙂 He tried. He went strong for 40 days…GO HUBBY!
Spring Into Summer Throw Down: So far my little challenge of getting up every morning early, walking Bosco more, riding my bike, drinking more water, and getting in all the fun workouts in has been a success! I haven’t really gotten in a good bike ride, but that shall change because this week I am taking my bike down to the beach!
Kettlebell Challenge: It’s been 14 weeks and I completed the kettlebell challenge. Did I see any differences? YES! I think my arms and legs have never been more toned. I think that the 14 week program was just the beginning to my kettlebell experience. I plan on continuing kettle bells at least twice a week as my strength training and I know that I am going to get even more results because of it!
Personal Training: I have been studying SOOOOO much. Every day for several hours and I am learning so many wonderful things and I can’t Wait to learn more. I am getting nervous and excited about the test and finally getting certified! Anyone want to let me practice my skillz on them?!
So many things are going on in my life right now! So much to be thankful for.
I am truly appreciating this season, through the bad and the good 🙂
Time to get my bootie to yet ANOTHER birthday party. This one is Hollywood themed.
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