Last week I went to visit some friends in Orange County, I was this close to packing all our bags selling everything we have and living in the parking lot of Whole Foods 😉
Sadly this is the closest Whole Foods to us and it’s about an hour away. If gas wasn’t an arm and a leg, I might consider making a weekly trip!!
Another thing that I could move out to the OC for is the Back Back Loop in Newport!!!
Monica lives real close to another friend I was visiting so we met up for a 7 mile run! I love running with Monica, the run always flies by. We were running a local half marathon that weekend and this was taper time. I was just happy to be wearing my SKIRT!
I was so excited the sun was shining and I got to BUST out my running SKIRT!! Hello SUN! The run was great, but the sun started to get brutal. If you are ever in the Newport area you gotta try out this trail.
Then it was off to have lunch at Whole Foods. For those of you who don’t have a Whole Foods near you, we are all missing out. As we walked around the store I felt like I was a little kid in a candy shop that wanted to buy everything in site. There was organic produce, home baked muffins made with whole wheat and honey,fresh baked spelt tortillas, and so much more! They don’t call it "Whole Pay Check" for nothing, thank goodness there are some Whole Foods Bargains .
The best part was the food bar. I was so overwhelmed and got a little bit of everything.
The quinoa salad was my favorite.
I also tried a MetroMint Water it was not bad like the bit of mint, but I wouldn’t buy it again.
I could have licked the box!
Question: Have you been to Whole Foods? Do you shop their frequently?
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