This morning ended up being super productive with the HELP from Mr. Clean. Picture 857

Morning Check List

  • Boot Camp
  • Breakfast + Coffee
  • Blog
  • Make a new play list for work
  • update iPhone
  • Budget Stuff(trying to work on a new budget)
  • Clean Shower
  • Mop+Sweep
  • Finish Skinny Brides, Bridal Shower Invites
  • Work on details for Bridal Shower

I was super set on cleaning the whole house today so that I can enjoy the whole weekend without having to CLEAN!!! I love a CLEAN kitchen, it brings joy to my soul :).

Picture 860

Living Room… 

Picture 863

Picture 862


Picture 864

Master Bathroom…

Picture 865

Oh so fresh and so clean, clean!!! I didn’t get to work on budgeting but now that I have some great advice from all of you I can’t wait to work on it tomorrow.

For lunch I packed a Banana, Honey, and PB Wrap..mmm..

Picture 868

Picture 869

I also had a small Yoplus yogurt with sliced peaches.

Picture 867

Then one of my Co-Workers brought in two large pizzas, and because it was such a stressful long day I ended up eating a slice or two(minus the cheese) even though I wasn’t hungry! Stress eating is the WORSE!

Picture 871

For dinner I packed some Kashi Crakers…
 Picture 874

and an Annie’s Organic Ravioli, mmmm…

Picture 873

I got off at 9:30pm tonight it was so different. I loved going in late for a change it really mixed up the week and I get to do that for the next two weeks!

Tomorrow is all about rest and relaxation, I pondered on going to the BEACH but were trying to save money so I think I will just relax in my CLEAN house!

Off to bed…I have to Coach at 6am!!!! Sleep when your dead right?

Question: What do you find is the best way to relax for FREE?


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