My fridge needs a makeover!

So today was quite interesting

The low down

got up early

made some yummy protein pancakes

sipped my joe until I finally woke up

worked on classroom stuff until my eyes started to bleed

ate some Chipotle

got my menu for the month all ready

created my hubby an eating plan (hopefully he will stick to it)

snacked on a peach, some yogurt, and almonds

cleaned the house

forgot to eat

then remembered

took a look at my fridge…and disaster has struck!

so that’s my day in a nutshell

Now about this fridge. You see I love to cook and I love to cook healthy but one of my biggest challenges in life is creating a dinner that meets both my husband and my taste buds. You see my hubby is a bit of a picky eater. I know that there are allot of others out there that are the same way but, he’s unlike anyone else. He’s not the no mayonnaise and mustard type of picky, he’s the I don’t like any veggies except corn(which I don’t consider a vegetable) kind of picky. Thank goodness we drink Monavie, so he can get some of his nutrients in. Anyhow, I on the other hand love to try new things and love to eat everything in it’s rawest form. Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband just not his eating habits, so I am on the quest to helping him get a more well balanced diet, and he loves that about me. But it’s not easy when I have such little to work with. I have considered writing Oprah and seeing if she can help…I don’t even know if the O her self could really help me….so what to do.

Our fridge is so bare right now, so I am about to head to the market and fill it up with the most nutritious foods I can, and that my hubby will eat. I try and make my husband, breakfast, snacks and lunch for the day as much as possible. My hubby ownes his own graphic design business so he get’s to stay home. For me this would be amazing, I could grill chicken for lunch and have a delicious piece of salmon. But for my dear, he eats peanut butter sandwiches if I don’t pack him a lunch, and he totally skips breakfast! How do men do it, I would kill over by 11am if I didn’t have breakfast.

My hubby is very active, plays softball at least three times a week, picks up a raquet ball game here and there, and plays basketball twice a week at 6am. That’s why were perfect for each other, we love all sports and love sharing in each others passions, except in the area food. Please help I am working from scratch here!!!! Here is a list of things that my hubby does like..

All types of bread, even wheat.



Turkey Meat

scrambled eggs only

pizza (well anything that is take out I guess)

All Italian food

Peanut butter

NO FRUIT unless the peeling is off (its a texture thing)



Mac and Cheese

Mashed Potato’s

Green Beans(only from the can)




all seasonings( which is nice cause I can flavor chicken a lot of ways)

rice brown is ok



ice cream

and that’s about it…



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