NHerShoes Readers Challenge Results+Challenges!

NHerShoes Readers Map

The map above has a pin point representing a location for each reader all over the world! So many different places are represented!!

People from at least 10 different countries are reading this blog:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • England
  • Ireland
  • Finland
  • New Zealand
  • Czech Republic
  • Sweden
  • Germany
  • Cayman Islands

Most popular reader locations:

  • Philadelphia, PA – 23
  • Boston, MA – 7
  • New York City – 7
  • Chicago, IL – 6
  • Orlando, FL – 12
  • San Diego, CA – 3
  • Pittsburgh, PA – 7
  • Washington, D.C. – 8
  • NC – 6
  • Atlanta, GA – 3
  • OH –8
  • Texas-7
  • Ohio-10

This was so much fun! I had 259 readers participate in my challenge and I want to thank each and everyone of you! Hopefully this will encourage some of you to comment more:)

All right my next challenge for you all is the pushup and situp challenge!! Veronica and I are going to be working on our core for the next 6 weeks and you are more then welcome to join us!! I know some of you have expressed some interest so here is what we will do for the next 60 days!

200 situp challenge

100 push up challenge

Alright are you in? I am going to do both tests tonight to see where I need to start!

Eating some yummy leftover Turkey Chili and working through  the to-do list half way finished!!!



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