Oh No She Has the Baby Bug!

I am so glad you all loved the Mexican Lasagna, next time I will add some stuff to mix it up a bit!

Woke up this morning with a sour tummy(cheese always does this to me), but I forced myself to get dressed and out the door for a 5 mile run. My biggest motivator was my pink skirt and a new playlist I added to my Ipod. I started the run to some Colby Caillat’s Bubbly. Every time I hear Colby it reminds me of Kauai, Hubby and I found her CD on our honeymoon, before she was even on the radio! It made me smile the whole first part of the run. I finished strong to some JT!

Running Stats: 5 miles, 44 minutes, 8:50 average pace,
burned around 500 calories!

I fueled quickly with a Green Monster, I forgot to add the coconut milk!!! 


I then hopped on my bike for a two mile bike ride to the local Cafe to meet the Bagley Bunch for coffee.  I ended up splurging a little and got a butterscotch flavored coffee, I ran out of the house without making my own.


In honor of Raw Wednesday I had some Sugar in the Raw in my coffee, does that count as something Raw??


Veronica’s kids are soooo cute, they make me want to start having babies !!! I think this picture looks so natural, I am getting the baby bug!


I love Veronica, we have begun a beautiful friendship!! Veronica is going to share her weight loss story with us, so stay tuned!!

After coffee, I caught the bus to work. My tummy was grumbling like crazy on the bus, so I had my mid morning snack a little early.



I just found out we are having a Homemade Pizza Party at our house on Friday night with some friends. Lot’s going on this weekend, running,bike rides, beach trips, birthdays, and BBQ’s!!! I have a three day weekend coming up, anyone else planning on doing anything for Memorial weekend?

P.S. Today I am not going to be tired I will be refreshed, anyone know of any foods that give you an extra boost of energy??


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