Oh What a Night!

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Hubby did an awesome job coaching last night!!! The girls played hard against an incredibly challenging team. They didn’t win, but they sure played their hearts out. In the last quarter of the game Hubby set up for a Senior who had NEVER made a basket in her three years of playing to have a chance to make a SHOT! The girl is a very special young lady and just goes out to have fun and doesn’t care if she wins or loses. To see her make the last shot of the game brought me to tears. What an amazing site to see!

After the game the team went out for In-N-Out!!! It’s a rare occasion when you will see me eat at a fast food joint and a hamburger, but with In-N–Out everything goes out the window!!!


My Burger


Hubby and I split the fries


Earlier that day, we all went out to the Gourmet Pizza Shop for our co-workers birthday! Check out my NO cheese mini pizza. This pizza has BBQ Chicken, Cashews, Cilantro, Onions, and normally comes with Gouda Cheese. My favorite part is the CRUST! I don’t know how they make it, I want the recipe!

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With a salad of course 😉

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Well I am off tor run my 6 mile TEMPO run!!! Wish me luck 😉


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