Organized Christmas

Today’s to-do list is much shorter!!!



A simple breakfast was in store for me this morning, got a busy day ahead.


With a Pumpkin Spice Latte!



So you may be wondering why I have been organizing and purging like crazy. Well it’s because I have been using this Organized Christmas website to try and stay on track for the Holiday’s. So instead of rushing around like crazy, I can actually CELEBRATE!! This website is awesome. It has a ton of PDF checklists for those of us who love to mark boxes 🙂 If you would like some handy checklist to help you stay organized click here.


I printed out a ton of their recourses and put them in this handy notebook 🙂


They even have tags for jars if you are planning on making gifts.


I am thinking about doing this one for Thanksgiving.


I am a little behind since I didn’t find this until last week, but I have been catching up quickly. I have already gone through the organization check list and I am making it through the reality check list.

Time to get to that to-do list! It’s a lot more fun with my Christmas Pandora Mix 🙂

My partner in crime for the day.


Question: How do you stay organized for the Holiday’s?