Our Little Getaway

We are two of the biggest goof balls you will ever meet and we love being US!


This Sunday-Monday, Hubby and I took a little romantic getaway to a little place called Pala Mesa Resort in Fallbrook (near Temecula). I have always wanted to surprise my love with a little overnight trip and this was the perfect place.


The room was AMAZING!! So beautiful and HUGE! We had a California King size bed, a huge vanity area and even a bar in our room.


We started the evening with a little cocktail hour Smile Some Merlot and fruit were perfect!


I acted as our bartender, as I wanted this weekend to be all about Mr. McCormick!


After getting settled in, we headed to the resort restaurant where we went ALL OUT (good thing I did a killer workout that morning)! We started with garlic french fries and baked rice balls!!!

20120227-215756.jpg For my main dish, I ordered the winter salmon on top of roasted sweet potatoes and beets. Probably by far the best salmon I ever had!


And here is where we were complete gluttons!! We had a banana split sundae with tempura fried banana and CHOCOLATE COVERED BACON!!! Ya, it was hubby’s dream sundae! I was so full I could only have a few bites.


I was so full, I didn’t even finish my glass of vino at dinner, but we took our drinks to the fireside room and stayed up late chatting away. It couldn’t have been a more perfect evening.


This morning we stayed in bed till 10:30am!!! I want this bed! I was even tempted to take home the comforter Winking smile


My hair is a little out of control today!!! I am still loving the color though Smile


After we finally got out of bed we were on the hunt for food and went to Old Town Temecula and found the cutest little Crepe Shop called Café Daniel. I so wanted to get a sweet Crepe, but went with a savory one. I ordered the egg, spinach, feta, and tomato sauce Crepe. It was OK, but I want one that has strawberries in it!! Can you believe this is the first time I have ever had a Crepe?


Then we walked around and window shopped at all the local antique shops.


I so wanted this plaque!!


After a couple hours of shopping the rain started to come down hard so we decided to go ahead and head back home. On our way home we hit up Super Target for some weekly groceries and decided to make soup for dinner!!


Because it was SNOWING at our house!!! Umbrella


We are happy to be home, we missed this one even if it was only for a night!


Tonight I also got in day 50 of the LiveFit Challenge!! It’s my last week of Phase 2. I have one more week of the LiveFit Challenge and then I will be starting something new and I can’t wait to share it with you all.

Such a fun little getaway. I love spending time away to reflect on life together and just have each others undivided attention (well mostly I did Instagram).

See you all tomorrow for a killer 20 Minute Tuesday Don't tell anyone smile


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