Past My Bed Time

Once again I have stayed up way too late, but at least this time I feel well accomplished!!

Today’s lunch was well balanced: Veggies, cantaloupe, hummus, summer salad, Kashi Crackers and Laughing Cow Cheese.


Today was the first day in a very long time that I went straight home after work. It was so nice, I wish I could have more days like this! When I got home I got right to work and cleaned/re-organized our guest room. I decided to make our guest room into a little office/retreat for all of my personal things. I am hoping this will keep me a lot more organized 🙂 I love organizing things, I think I could do it for a living.

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It still need’s a little work, but all in good time.

For dinner I made a healthier version of Chinese take out, Teriyaki Chicken and Veggies.

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Love my WOK!

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I threw the stir-fry on top of a bed of brown rice, and added the pineapple I forgot to take a picture!!!

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Hubby loved this dish(minus the veggies) and it was quick and inexpensive, I will have to make this more often!!

I am currently sitting at my desk listening to some Bach and chomping away at my google task list 🙂

I found the free Pandora App for my iPhone this weekend, where have I been!! Pandora is wonderful and I can take it wherever I go!

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I also didn’t have any “real” sweets today but I did have this after dinner, does it count??

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WOW these are amazing, I got them at Target this weekend a wonderful find! Ok kids it’s 11pm and I still have a lot to get done, I think I will stay up for another 30 minutes and then call it a night.

Tomorrow morning I will be posting all about the Wild West Relay so stay tuned!!

P.S. Sorry for the lack of commenting, I have been reading all of your blogs 🙂


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